Premium indoor cycling
The Hub | 7604 Milwaukee
The Facility:
When you walk in, you’ll see three tablets which you use to check-in. Since you are able to reserve and pay for your ride online ahead of time, the tablets allow for a quicker way to get to your ride. As you can see below, there are special cycling shoes in cubbies – the number on the cubby reflects whichever bike number you’ve chosen. Your shoes are waiting for you!
After you grab your shoes, you’ll go around the corner to the community room. This is where you put your shoes on, fill up your water bottle with cold water, and put all of your personal items away in lockers. The lockers are a four digit combo. If you forget which locker is yours, no worries… the staff will be able to open it for you with a key.
Now, let’s talk about the main attraction: the CycleTheatre. You walk in, find your bicycle number, make your adjustments, lock your shoes in, and start warming up. A towel is provided for you, and yes, you will need it! You’ll also see a 4 or 6 pound bar on your bicycle which will be used for an arm workout. After a brief intro from your instructor about how to read your bicycle “dashboard” and what to expect, the class begins. The room stays very dark, with just some ambiance lighting that is able to change different colors. Each song brings a new challenge: resistance, RPM, arm exercises, etc. The music is loud and such great quality. The instructor controls the lights, the music, and what’s displayed on the big monitors up front with a tablet on her bicycle.
Grab a couple of wipes at the front of the room to wipe your bike down. Head back out to the community room to change shoes. Get more water, and even grab some fruit. Simply place your towel AND shoes into the big bins on your way out! Your CycleStats are sent to your email immediately following the class. You’re able to see how you did and compare your results to your next ride. The song playlist from the class is also included!
Look into their packages. They have “themed” days, including Mash-Up Mondays (mash-up two artists), Wine Down Wednesday (wine happy hour), Throwback Thursdays, and Happy Hour Friday (drinks and snacks post-ride). Rock your ride!